28 juni 2012

illustration friday: space

Stand your ground, claim your space...
The only way I can achieve that is
by hiding

15 juni 2012

illustration friday: secret

     Silently they were looking through the secret of the night

illustration friday: shiny

She feels so good in her shiny new boots, but they
just don't understand

7 juni 2012

illustration friday: hurry

-What are we waiting for?   
-For the beets to sprout.
-Stt, don't scare them.
-What are they waiting for?

-They are growing.
-You don't know that. 
-Perhaps it's to cold. 
-Or to warm. 
-To dry or to wet. 
-Perhaps they are dead. 
-They'll come. 
-Or not. 
-Beetseeds, hurry up!
-Grow! Show!
-Sst, I think I hear something...