25 februari 2013

IF whisper

trying to ignore the dog whispering

be it with tailsor with eyes

18 opmerkingen:

  1. Your drawing is great as I told you. I like that you always draw yourself with that sort of gnome hat (?) is that? or what?
    seems a kind of antenna, (in the first picture) Intriguing!
    I have tried to find out what the title of the book you read, but it was impossible for me (you wrote from left to right and right to left? Da Vinci!! :)))))))))
    good week, friend WW!!!!!!!

    1. You really have looked very closely, dear R! It's my witch hat. Red is my favorite color, so that's why it looks like a gnomes hat. It grows organicly out of my head, like I'm growing more and more into a witch. And yes, in this picture it's an antenna to hear whispers, that is to detect expectations of others. With dogs I can't shut it off. I don't know why I made the booktitle so complicated. It says: am reading a book!

    2. I read it in a little mirror!:D You are full of surprises!

      Have a look, have a look
      at this magical book
      with transparent cover.
      Try to read, try to read
      what is written on it -
      just enjoy to discover!...

    3. I actually read "blood 6"
      and I said: this girl's mood needs a fix
      but then I understood
      said no blood, said Book
      and Rossichka, says it's magic
      Clearly, if said blood, was tragic. :)))

    4. Oh Boy...
      detective Ros and Bloodhound Rob
      you two did a marvelous job!
      a book! or blood 6
      those are tricks
      of the woman witch!
      Love you!!!

    5. Love you, too!:)
      Detective Ross? I like this! :-D

    6. Bloodhound Rob?? I like too!!!
      Girls, you know, I love you both ;))))
      I send this little gift:♥
      have a nice friday!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I am reading a book! I know this scene very well...but I have two little boys instead of three little dogs but they bounce about like crazy dogs especially at bedtime. Sometimes it is better to ignore them and just start reading than try and quieten them down. Eventually they become intrigued and come and listen in their own time. They love reading too! I especially love the second drawing of the four friends cuddled together reading!

  3. Hi, Hedwig! You told us a story again! Never lonely even when you want to be alone, just with your book!:((()))
    You have always someone close to you, two (are they three now?) devoted souls, that are ready to do everything for you - even to "read" a book! I like especially the second drawing with those sparkling eyes beside you! The magical antenna-function of your hat is such a find..:0) I haven't noticed up so far that it's growing out of your head!:D

    1. Thank you, Rossichka. We have a doggy guest for a week. It's fun, but not for the cats!

  4. Yes, they are definitely whispering quite loudly :-D!
    You also try to whisper with a book cover but seems like doggies can't read...

  5. I like your illustrations full of humor and joy.They always make me smile.I tried to leave a comment two weeks ago when the topic was 'wheel' but there was a glitch in the system and it did not go through.So,with a late date I am telling you i loved these four drawings as the first and the fourth ones were my favourite.The puppy in the basket and you and your three dogs stuffed in this small car made me laugh.

  6. you have such an endearing style - it makes me smile every time! :)))

  7. Terrific (and fun!) use of line and color!

  8. My dear Hedwig!
    Your interpretation of my drawings is fantastic!
    nobody could have done better than you!
    only one thing I must correct
    Valentine's Day, I gave no 2737 kisses to my wife, no, no, I was less romantic, but I sent her a card that you choose online, and you send it by mail, bah ... you hear a little music and hearts out of a basket, haha
    No, I tell you, something strange, that night I dreamed I kept telling the numbers 27-37 ... 27-37 ... 27-37 until forever
    I do not know what that means :0 ?????
    OK. Have a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful week! ♫♫♫

  9. Hi, Hedwig. Your sister is visiting you?
    my brother was about ten days and already went home again, he has a small cabin near my house and comes from time to time. I do not like goodbyes, but this is the cost of living away from everything.
    tomorrow I will go on a little vacation, to a small town, located about 100 km from here, I will not see internet. Byeeee ♫ ♫ ♪

  10. hey, thank you for the beautiful and encouraging words! :)))))
    happy to find You and your witchy and playful drawings! :*)
