20 februari 2014


words that travel far can get twisted

13 opmerkingen:

  1. Dinosaurs, mice, birds, lizards, flowers, butterflies... No wonder the words get twisted, there is so much going on. At least the receiver seems confused.
    Great interpretation of 'twisted'!

  2. Ha Ha! I agree with Sasa!
    Clearly and obviously with all those animals interfering communication everything is twisted
    One person says "love" and the other listens "war" ha ha, the idea is something like this, right?
    Maybe satellite problems, or translation, who knows.
    Always, someone is guilty, I heard that mice eat communications wire, will that be true?
    I like your drawing. something different from your previous art! :)

  3. Oh my gosh, it's a herd of mice! Wait now I have to check - and it's perfect. A group of mice is called a mischief! Haha, clearly this mischief cannot agree from one to the next. So many great creatures! I agree, great interpretation. :)

  4. A very thoughtful and clever solution to this week's challenge, TWISTED! I love the movement - you're making me look at this in so many different angles - and I love the mice! :)

  5. Oh I remember playing this game as a kid! It was always so funny to hear what came out the other end :D I think you've made a very clever illo here and so charming and lively! And the mice are adorable - I hope none of the dinos' got them! So many details, I love it!

    1. Nancy, a ese juego nosotros lo llamábamos teléfono descompuesto

    2. Si, por medio de portarrollos de papel higiénico!!! Jajajaja!

  6. There's nothing better than the direct communication - eyes to eyes. The big distance can twist thing, I guess. There's a tension in your drawing, the atmosphere is a bit dangerous with all those blue lizards and dragons, but I'm relieved that there're butterflies in the end.
    An odd drawing, quite unexpected as a style. You show again what a great artist you are , Hedie! I like the movements of the mice!:)

  7. I liked the word: Beng!
    Beng? What it means? Beng!... Beng! ... I do not find the meaning ha ha!

    The background of the picture? eyes with white crayon, India ink dissolved in water, applied with a brush, and pure ink splattered with a toothbrush. some more data? ha ha!

    1. Thanks. Beng means Bwam!, boink!, smash, bump, slap... can also happen on the face

  8. Oh my goodness, that is so COOL! I love your work!

  9. What a fantastic way to represent twisted words, beautiful and whimsical... I love it!
