17 juli 2014

IF- invisble

Little Louisa is never lonely
she feels safe in dark 
and speedy circumstances
She has a friend 
a hairy beary soulmate sort of type
He is always there
as a reflection on the water
His name is Ralf the Shark!

12 opmerkingen:

  1. I like these imaginary friends! Invisible for the others, but "quite" visible for the child!:DD Huge and bright - I have the feeling for being protected, too! Wonderful collages, Hedwig!!
    Have you watched the movie "Bogus"? Here's the trailer...

    1. I just looked at your link. Seems like a nice movie! With Gerard Depardieu as invisible friend! I love that actor.

  2. A huge hairy invisible friend! Lovely!

  3. Fantastic scenes and character! So charming!

  4. Here I am!! Cool load of work that I didnt see!!! Congrats Witchy..1!!

  5. You have so much creativity inside you, that one picture is not enough!
    and the three that you show are excellent!
    what beautiful characters. You know? when I see your pictures, lots of ideas comes to my head. To write. (ok, if ever, write anything, I will pay you the copyright, ok?) Good week, Hedwig! :)

  6. Oh, when I think about invisible friends, Ralf is surely the best possible type. Who wouldn't feel safe and protected with Ralf on their side.
    Beautiful. I love the brush strokes, they are as strong as Ralf.

  7. such a wonderful collection of pieces
    such a sweet story and way to be
    thank you
