27 april 2015

IF window

Her beautiful, funny teeth gave her stories a special melody that mesmorised the foxes

7 opmerkingen:

  1. A funny sunny picture with sweet little foxes! I'm trying to imagine what the stories are all about?:)

  2. Hey, another one of your beautiful work!
    Why? "her funny teeth"? Perhaps you must add: her funny and beautiful teeth,. It depends on the gaze of the viewer. :) OK. too many words! I like your art as always.
    As Rossichka said I try to imagine, about what these stories tells.
    I like the long braids of this girl! :)

    1. I added beautiful! You are so right.The foxes adore her because of this specialty. That is the essence of the story.

  3. Hoi Hedwig, I followed your trail from Rossichka's blog and got enchanted by your illustrations! I love your witchy girl telling stories to the foxes... Veel liefs en keep up the good work! :-)

  4. Guaranteed whimsical Hedwig quality! Well done! Missed you!

  5. wonderful how your words introduce this piece
    it is a joy to see
    and i am leaving my visit with a smile

  6. Haha, aww how sweet! She's so lucky to have foxes for an audience! :)
