22 december 2012

IF Snow

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi Hedwig!
    What a good illustrator are you!!!!!
    It is fortunate to have found your blog.
    is a pleasure to see your drawings!!!!!

    Ok. I want to tell you that I wish for you and your family a Merry Christmas, and a 2013 with many of your desires fulfilled (I do not to say "all", because maybe it's asking too much, right) Ha Ha :)
    I guess your brother is here in my country, right?
    Well, then he will spend a summer Christmas!!!!
    the best for you and yopur family!!!!!

    1. Thank you so very much! dear R. I wish you and your family good health and happiness and all the good things in the world. My brother is in Uruguay: Punto del Diablo, living the summer live. He has a beach house there and just started a new business renting bikes http://www.biciuruguay.com.uy/en/

  2. Oh I love the sheer joy and freedom in this. :-D Merry Christmas Hedwig

  3. What a mood!! What a movement... "Happiness!" - that's the title for me. I hear the sound of the sleigh, gliding on the snow! You've thought of every detail - the closed eyes, the hands, holding each other, the red cheeks...
    Dear Hedwig, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, full of love, joy, new adventures and lots of inspiration!xx

  4. Thanks and best wishes for you two too!
